Matteo Rossi Sebaste

Matteo Rossi Sebaste is the CEO of the family company Sebaste, a historic confectionery company from Gallo d’Alba, and president of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Confindustria Cuneo.

After completing his studies he carried out work experience in the automotive sector at M.T.M. srl of Cherasco, a multinational company which, thanks to its global dimension and the alternative energy sector, has allowed it to significantly broaden its horizons.

Following that experience, in 2014, he joined the family business which deals with the production of hazelnut-based packaged sweets.

Representing the fifth generation of the Sebaste family, it firmly believes in the innovation of tradition, considering it an essential element to unite past, present and future.

Under his leadership, the company continues to thrive, keeping its historic roots alive while moving towards new opportunities for growth and development.